Contact Us

If you are also excited about protein engineering, molecular technology, and new biomedicine designs, send inquiries to Dr. Xin Zhou about joining the lab. We are keen on building a positive, caring, and inclusive laboratory environment, and are committed to training and supporting a new generation of scientists.

Make it stand out

Our mailing address is:
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Attn: Xin Zhou, LC-3116 (office), LC-3101 (Lab)
360 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
phone: 617-582-9749

Email: xin_zhou1 (at)


We are looking for motivated graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and research technicians to join us! We particularly value passion, curiosity, generosity, and open-mindedness. 

Graduate students from any Harvard Medical School programs should contact Xin via email directly. Prospective graduate students should apply to one of the Ph.D. programs affiliated with Harvard Medical School.

Postdoctoral candidates are invited to send Xin a CV, contact information of three references, and a cover letter describing past research, future research interest, and motivations for applying to our lab.

Research assistant and lab technician positions are available to candidates with an undergraduate degree in biology, chemistry, engineering, or a relevant topic by the start date.

We also consider inquiries from undergraduate students interested in a summer undergraduate research program or co-op/work-study credit programs.

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